“Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do unto me…”
Friends of the Poor is a non-profit, non-denominational service organization that works in partnership with volunteer relief workers in Mexico to provide necessary funds, material goods, medicines and food to aid in the alleviation of poverty and suffering.
Our Projects
Founded in 1982, we work with specific, demonstrably effective, long-term and sustainable projects in Tijuana, Mexico, engaging in material and spiritual partnership with those most in need.
Latest News
Casa de los Pobres in the Time of COVID-19
Each day, Casa de los Pobres serves hundreds of hungry people a nutritious breakfast. In order to better protect those receiving meal services, as…
Read MoreWelcome to our NEW website!
It's been a very long time since we updated our website - we're delighted to bring you our "New and Improved" look and functionality, but…
Read MoreSisters Bring Hope, Dignity to Tijuana’s Hungry
From the Southern CrossBy Vincent Gragnani TIJUANA. Open sores cover the face of cancer-stricken Angelina Armenta. She has one eye and few teeth. Three mornings a week,…
Read MoreWe Need Your Help
Friends of the Poor is a volunteer organization. 100% of your monetary contribution goes directly toward the benefit of those you want to help. Donations of whatever size are greatly appreciated and are put to immediate use.